Mom Guilt is Real
Has anyone here ever struggled with mom guilt??? Being a mom is really, really HARD!!
While being a mom is the most rewarding blessing I have ever received in my life, that does not make this season of life any less difficult.
I have been a parent for 10 years now, and while I feel that I have grown and learned so much, there are still things I am trying to navigate and figure out every single day. Children constantly test your patience and boundaries.
While being a mom is a humbling experience that forces you to grow in ways I never thought possible. I spend a lot of my days refereeing Parker and Stella, disciplining, answering the never-ending questions, and being the caregiver and nurturer that they need. You really never know what your day will bring.
Did I mention that being a mom is hard…….
Do you know what makes it ten times harder?
Mom Guilt Confessions
If I am being honest, that feeling of mom guilt has been a major struggle of mine lately. I feel like I am short-tempered and I am way too hard on my kids sometimes. I struggle with feeling guilty if I take time for myself when I should be reading them a story or cleaning the house. Oh, do I feel the mom guilt when I forget a school event, or when I was supposed to bring something to the class party and forgot. (Please tell me I am not the only one who does this.)
Or what about when you are giving it your 100% effort and you still get those judgmental eye rolls from strangers in the grocery store because they don’t like the way you are parenting.
Being a mom is hard and judgment is everywhere.
Mom Guilt and Feeling Less Than
I have been thinking about the mom guilt a lot lately and I spend the majority of my day feeling guilty for something I did or did not do. In other words, I spend the majority of my day feeling – LESS THAN. Ouch!!
That sounds harsh as I type those words, but even more so when you say them out loud.
Sometimes just purely being present, loving your child, being imperfectly you and offering your hand in their journey in life is?
Could it be that your affection is enough and your presence as they sit on your lap while you watch tv or work on your laptop is enough? Maybe the way you smell, the sound of your voice and your loving touch are enough?
What if the gift of YOU as their mom with all your imperfection is ENOUGH?
If you are struggling with the mom guilt, know that you are not alone. You are not less than and your children were hand-picked by our Creator to have YOU mother them as no one else could do. I am going to do my best to stop these negative thoughts when they happen and focus on something positive in the situation. Life is too short to live it feeling less than.
Give yourself some grace, mama. You are doing an amazing job!
While I can’t promise you that we will never face Mom Guilt again, I can share with you 10 affirmations I have been trying to say to myself when these feelings come up. I hope they help you too.

Affirmations to Fight Mom Guilt
- Your presence matters.
- My love is enough.
- My best differs each day.
- Perfection is not needed, just persistence to love and teach those little ones.
- My “doing” is not required to be a good mom.
- If I’m not quitting, I’m succeeding.
- Mistakes are for learning and growing.
- Me-time makes their-time even better.
- I’m not guilty.
- Just breathe.
From my heart to yours,
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A must read for every mom!
Thank you so much for your kind words. That means a lot to me.
Beautiful post. Mom guilt is just such an awful thing, and so counterproductive.
It really can be paralyzing sometimes, but I hope this helps to break the cycle for those who read it. It’s all about mindset!
Thanks for sharing I have a similiar post on my website. Mom guilt is so real
Mom guilt is so real! It feels like no matter what decision you make, there is some sort of guilt associated with it. I love these affirmations you mentioned – I’m going to have to work some of those in to my daily routine!
Hi Jennifer! Thanks so much for stopping by and reading. Yes, the affirmations are so helpful. If it’s difficult, start with one. Tape a post-it note to your mirror if you have to. Your mind is powerful and we can manifest the thoughts we desire to have. Hang in there mama.
You are right. Mom guilt is very real. For months put my daughter first and realized if I am falling apart I can’t care for her.
I think we all struggle with Mom’s guilt at some point in our journies. It can be a hard thing to overcome, but not impossible!
Thank you for sharing this affirmations. Indeed, mom guilt is real that it’s good to be hear and get an assurance that we are enough. It is best to keep in mind that our love is enough and that we deserve to love ourselves as well.
Ah! Mom guilt … Something that pulls us down and helps us push things forward when we just CANNOT ! What a double edged sword …