Word of the Year vs. Resolutions
1. Reflect
The first thing I like to do is reflect upon the year.
- What could I use more or less of?
- What characteristics could I use more of?
- How would I like to feel?
2. Visualize
I recommend that you sit in prayer or meditate to think of the word you would focus on for the upcoming year. This works best in a relaxed state, so go ahead and light a candle, or burn a diffuser with your favorite essential oil. Maybe even take the time to write it down in your gratitude journal. Take the time to tap into your feelings.
3. Make a List
Spend 10 minutes creating a list of the words that come to mind. No self-editing! Need some help? I created a free Word of the Year Ideas for you that you can download to help.
4. Review & Narrow Down Your Options
Chances are you will see a theme going on between the words you highlighted. Do any of the words jump out at you, make you feel excited, nervous, scared, uncomfortable, or at ease? Sometimes the words that scare us most can mean we’re on the right track because change isn’t always easy. At the same time, I think finding your word can also bring peace and empowerment.
Think about the words, try them on, and see what feels right. No need to over-analyze this process, trust your gut instead.
5. Ask Yourself Questions
Ask yourself if you are interested in the word or committed to the word!
If you’re merely “interested” then chances are you’ll make excuses as to why you’re not putting forth the effort to actually make changes. But if you’re “Committed” to your word, you’ll do whatever it takes to implement that word and bring more of it into your life.
If necessary, allow yourself a day or two, even a week to really think about this.