21 Ways to Show Kindness this December
Sometimes this world can just be too much! Everyone seems to be so cynical, critical and opinionated. You would have to be living under a rock not to hear people arguing over politics. There seems to be more hate and violence than ever, and negativity seems to be pulsing throughout the media and all over social medial. While we all try to make sense of our changing world, the one theme that keeps coming back up to me is kindness. We might not be able to change everything at once, but we all have the capability to be kind, nice, loving, we can help spread the kindness around this holiday season.
I personally, have taken a step back the past month. I haven’t been writing as much, and I haven’t even been on social media that much. (When things get too much, I usually avoid the confrontation!). I have really been working on me. I need a more positive mindset and I am trying to make more positive changes in our home through different parenting techniques and in our marriage. This holiday season is a great time to participate in the 21 ways to spread kindness. These are things you can do alone, or with your family, to help teach spreading goodwill, love, and of course, kindness. Spread that kindness around like confetti.

I hope you will join me throughout the month of December and perform one act of kindness a day. Most of these do not require any monetary contributions, just ways to be kind to ourselves and others. We all deserve a little more grace in our lives, so let’s do this together and spread #21daysofkindness.
Have suggestions to add to our list? Please comment below and let me know how it goes for you.
1. Pay someone a compliment or give them a genuine smile.
2. Donate a toy to a child in need.
3. Surprise a friend by taking them a meal, or donate a meal to your local food bank.
4. Pay for someone’s coffee order, or buy them a $5 gift card.
5. When someone is unkind to you, don’t respond. This is the first step to learning not to take things personally.
6. Do some sort of exercise that you love; ride a bike, walk, swim, yoga, whatever it is, do it for you. (And yes, you need to be kind to yourself too!)
7. Offer to watch your friend’s kids for an hour so she can have some time to herself.
8. Return a shopping cart in the parking lot, or collect a few and help the store workers out.
9. Be kind to nature, and plant something. It could be a tree, a flower, some herbs, anything that will help our environment.
10. Leave a positive comment or two on a friend’s social media post or a blog. (We love comments!!)
11. Donate used clothing.
12. Wrap presents for someone who you know needs the help.
13. Bake something you are known for and share it with your neighbors. Need a new recipe? Check out this delicious recipe that I have shared before.
14. Visit your local animal shelter and offer to donate items they may need. Most will love old towels or blankets for animals to cuddle on.
15. If you eat out, consider leaving a big(ger) tip this time. What a blessing this is to those servers!
16. Be kind to yourself, take an hour to do something just for you.
17. Let someone go in front of you in line, wherever you are.
18. Leave an envelope with a few dollar bills taped to a rack at the Dollar Store or the $1 bins at Target.
19. Donate to a homeless person or better yet bring them a hot meal and actually talk to them.
20. Fill out a survey at a store and compliment an employee if they were good to you. They deal with a lot of personalities during the heavy shopping season!
21. Start a gratitude journal to start off the New Year with a grateful heart. This is one of my favorite things to do each year. You will be blessed all over again when you go back and read them from years prior.

If you do decide to join in this kindness challenge, please share this post so others can join you! Also, use #21daysofkindness on social media so we can get kindness trending! Sending much love and kindness to you this holiday season!